Annual Visit
An annual visit at Women Living Well is much more than a Pap smear. We enjoy seeing you each and every year. Our goal is to discuss your physical health, get updates of events and changes in your life, assess your emotional wellness, be a listening ear, and help guide your overall health over the upcoming year.
Annual exams are recommended for women who are sexually active or over the age of 18. Your visit may include examination of your breasts and pelvic organs for any abnormalities or changes. If indicated, a Pap smear and additional testing can be collected.
Breast Health
Breast health begins with a sense of what’s normal for your breasts (breast awareness). To promote breast health, consider doing regular breast self-exams. With practice, you’ll discover how your breasts vary in sensitivity and texture at different times during your menstrual cycle and as you age.
For many women, breast health includes concerns about breast lumps, breast pain or nipple discharge. Know what’s normal — and when to consult your doctor. It’s also important to understand common screening and diagnostic tests for breast health, such as clinical breast exams, mammograms and breast ultrasounds.
Contraception/Birth Control
Choosing a method of contraception is an important decision that will impact a woman’s daily life. Talking with your health care provider about which method is right for you is essential to successful protection for you and your partner. We will provide you with information about the different types of contraceptives and their respective advantages and disadvantages.
Birth control methods have many different variables including frequency, convenience, permanence and effectiveness. It is important to take into consideration your life, age, health and previous experiences. The decision is ultimately yours, but using our knowledge and experience can help you make the right choice.
HPV Testing & Prevention
There are more than 120 different kinds of Human Papilloma Virus and some of them may increase the risk for cancer. While some types can cause genital warts, others will show no symptoms but can eventually lead to cancers of the cervix, vulva, vagina and anus. Contracted through sexual contact, the risk of catching HPV can be reduced by using latex condoms and barriers.
While there is no cure for HPV, treatment for the symptoms caused by HPV, such as genital warts, cervical changes and cervical cancer, is available.
Three HPV vaccines have been licensed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) since 2006. HPV vaccine is recommended for routine vaccination of adolescents (including girls and boys) at age 11 or 12 years, and can be started at age 9 years.
Many women going through menopause suffer from a wide range of symptoms including irregular bleeding, hot flashes, insomnia, night sweats, fatigue, depression, mood instability, and sexual dysfunction. There are several treatment options available to help relieve these symptoms, and we can help you decide which option is best for you.
We can discuss a wide variety of options for relief ranging from herbal medication, non-hormonal options, exercise, diet, acupuncture, and hormone replacement therapy.
PMS Counseling & Treatment
Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) are common conditions that are associated with symptoms related to menstrual periods and can include bloating, cramping, fatigue, moodiness, sleep irregularity and depression. PMS is often expected by most women, but symptoms of PMDD can and should be treated professionally. There is no official diagnosis of these conditions, but if they are affecting your ability to function in your everyday life, they can be considered serious.
Chronic PMS and PMDD can be treated through a variety of solutions. Modifying behavior is often effective and includes exercising regularly, eating healthy foods, getting enough sleep, dealing with stress and not smoking. Birth control pills can often help reduce these symptoms. For PMDD, anti-depressants or counseling may be prescribed.
STD Testing & Treatment
Most sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) have no symptoms, so it is hard to know if you have been infected. Periodic testing is recommended for anyone with multiple sexual partners, even if they are having protected sex using condoms. It is important to ask your partner if they have or have ever had an STD. We offer safe and confidential STD testing and treatment.